Nonprofit Consultant

Helping Nonprofits Achieve Heightened Impact

Developing Your Capacity For Heightened Impact.

You chose to lead in the nonprofit or social enterprise field because you want to see positive impact on the world. The problems this sector seeks to solve are complex there are limited resources that must be invested wisely.

With 25 plus years serving the sector, Heightened Development is all about helping you assess where you are and supporting you as you plan and lead for a future that will bring the biggest impact on your mission. Heightened Development has a range of supports that build your capacity for even greater impact in the future.


where you are and
where you need to be


for the


staff and
board leadership


with supports to
implement your vision

The Elephant In The Room Is On Your Back

It can be tough to lead a nonprofit organization. You have the weight of an elephant on your shoulders as you strive to meet your development objectives while facing hurdles at every turn. 

Heightened Development understands this and have built our organization around helping to show you how to take that weight off your shoulders and heighten the impact of your organization. 

Nonprofit Consultant Heightened Development

Some of Our Clients


nonprofit consultant chamlee mcguire